Baseball Practice

Baseball Practice

(Stories from my side of the field parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) The stress and pressures of life continues on the airplane. Even though I’m headed for a vacation, I work on my laptop the full 3 hour flight, trying to get one more task completed. The stress in my upper shoulders is aching as I sit in my cramped economy middle seat […]

Flipboard As a Textbook Replacement

Flipboard As a Textbook Replacement

OK…so let me clarify that title. I honestly think textbooks are on their way out…or at least I hope they are. Really it should read “Flipboard as core curation artifact for classrooms” but that wouldn’t have you here reading now would it. 🙂 I’m in love with Flipboard. I have been for awhile now….it’s one of the first apps that […]

In 2014…..

In 2014…..

I’m frustrated….it’s 2014 people! We’re 14 years into this century and the Internet turned 25 years old today. It’s here…it’s part of our culture…part of our daily lives…it’s time we stop fighting it and embrace it! In 2014….. School wide wifi that works should be a given…if school wifi was as fast and reliable as Starbucks…we wouldn’t need Starbucks! Every […]