Random Thoughts
Knowing Knowledge Highlights 65-74

Knowing Knowledge Highlights 65-74

From George Siemens’ Knowing Knowledge:

Change is happening on two levels:

  1. …the context in which knowledge occurs, and
  2. …the flow and characteristics of knowledge itself. pg. 69

Our society is being restructured to align with knowledge. The barriers, inhibitors, obstacles, and unnecessary structures are giving away to models which permit effective knowledge creating, dissemination, communication, personalization, and flow. pg. 69

The fault of many schools, universities, and companies is the unwillingness to listen to the voices of those closest to change pressures and emerging methods. pg. 70

Who are these people…our students? Do we listen to them? Do we watch how they interact, how they communicate? Or do we just continue to take away their cell phones, tell them to put the iPod back in their locker, and tell them to leave their laptops at home. Instead of listening to our students and learning what it means to be connected in this new digital age, we try to disconnect them and focus on information that is not interactive, up-to-date, and well….boring.

People are able to connect, share, and create. We are co-creators, not knowledge consumers. Content generation is in the hands of the many. Co-creation is an expression of self…a sense of identity…ownership. We own who we are by the contributions we make. pg. 72

I agree. It’s one thing to watch YouTube it is another thing all together to create and upload a video to it. To have a video viewed over 100,000 times is very strange, and very cool. 70% of all YouTube registered users are in America. 50% of those are under the age of 20. Who’s creating this content? When are they finding the time to create it? And why are they not creating more of it during school?

We expect to co-create and experience the two-way flow models of knowledge sharing and dissemination. Our identities are exposed, revealed for anyone to explore. pg. 72

Our identities are exposed and this is something I think we need to come to terms with. We want to keep students safe on the web, but we can’t allow fear to take over and break that two-way knowledge sharing. We want our students work to be out there exposed to the real world, part of the growing body of knowledge, but we don’t want our students out there…not sure we can have it both ways. We need to be careful here, as our students are already in these spaces. We can try and keep them safe during the hours we see them at school. But if they are creating most of this content outside of school who’s keeping them safe then? And do we need to get over the fear of exposing our students so that we can use these social-network places to learn in?

Knowledge can now be expressed through the aggregate of the individuals-a deafening crescendo of contrasting and complementing opinions and views. pg. 72

We are being remade by our connectivity. As everything becomes connected, everything becomes transparent. Technology illuminates what was not discernible to the human eye. pg. 73

Siemens, G (2006). Knowing Knowledge. Lulu.com.

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