Practice, not Mastery

Practice, not Mastery

The idea of practice, not mastery has been on my mind a lot these past few days…so it’s only fitting that its part of our #EduroChallenge. I first started really reflecting on this idea of practice, not mastery a few years ago when I started doing yoga. My wife and I had a deal. I would try it five times and […]

When We Allow Their Imaginations to Shine

When We Allow Their Imaginations to Shine

Step 1: Watch this   Step 2: Read the reflection Step 3: Ponder the creativity and the ideas that come forth when we empower students and then get out of the way so they can learn. Step 4: Leave Sarah a comment.  I’m once again left thinking about Dan Pink’s book Drive and the power of Autonomy, Purpose and Mastery […]

Learning through Presentations

Learning through Presentations

“How many of you have done the 18 minute, right before class, copy and paste, plagiarized, bullet point, turn and read off the screen PowerPoint Presentation? Be honest.” Every hand in the room goes up. We know it as educators, kids know it as students. The presentation really is about finding information, putting it on some slides, add some transitions […]

Autonomy, Purpose, Mastery

Autonomy, Purpose, Mastery

  I’ve been reflecting a lot on Dan Pink’s new book Drive and thinking about how this applies to education and the work we ask students to do. My wife recently took 10 Middle School students on an Operation Smile trip into the mountains of Thailand near the Burma boarder. The Middle Schoolers spent their time playing the kids who came […]