Policies, Safety, and Social Networking ~ Steve Dembo ISTE10

Policies, Safety, and Social Networking ~ Steve Dembo ISTE10

“I want my student to be found, he already has 3,000 hits on Google.” How many people are uploading pictures of their babies the day they are born? First and Last name with Birth Day. 84 Billion Dollars spend on a filter in Australia cracked in 30 minutes by a 16 year old. Over 50% of schools in the US […]

Are we teaching Networked Literacy

Are we teaching Networked Literacy

The two best sessions for me at Edubloggercon today at ISTE2010 ended up talking about Networks and teaching how to use networks with students. For lack of a better term we called it “Networked Literacy” I first started thinking about this back in August after reading Writing in the 21st Century by Kathleen Yancey (worth your time). Based on that […]

Blogs as Web-Based Portfolios PDF

Blogs as Web-Based Portfolios PDF

The 2009-2010 school year ended for me early today and I’m just wrapping up a few loose ends before I head into vacation mode for the summer. I did want to release the Free PDF of the Web-Based Portfolio series I’ve been working on for the past couple of months. I’ve taken the four blog posts and put them into […]