The Best $25 Your School will Spend this Year

The Best $25 Your School will Spend this Year

Of course I’m talking about a Flickr Pro Account. Flickr has to be the one website that I would say is definitly worth the $25 you’ll spend and can benefit every teacher in the school. There is no way, I don’t care how big or small your school is that for $25 you can create, maintain, and support: Unlimited uploads […]

The Stick turns 3!

The Stick turns 3!

I told this story as my 10 minute TED talk at Learning 2.008. As September 19th was The Stick’s 3 year anniversary. The Thinking Stick turned 3 a few days ago and it’s hard to imagine that it’s been 3 years since I installed WordPress and just started writing. As I started looking back through those first posts I started […]

Communicating from the classroom

Communicating from the classroom

As a technology person you don’t always get to decide where you are going to start with teachers. In fact, most of the time the teachers tell you where you are going to start. Hence my focus on parent communication. Many teachers are looking at using blogs as a way to communicate with their parent communities. Now, before I go […]

Parent Communication: From Print to Digital

Parent Communication: From Print to Digital

Over the last couple of years I have helped numerous teachers set up blogs, wikis, and just plain old html pages to be used to communicate with parents. As some point teachers always ask: “So, I can just copy and paste my newsletter right here?” You can, but you shouldn’t Newsletters do not transfer well to the web. Well, as […]

Three Gems for the day

Three Gems for the day

I use to look over people’s blogs that had post linking to all the things they bookmarked that day. I use to think that this was a waste of my time, that those links are just links. Then I actually started reading some. Which lead to clicking on some. Which now has me waiting for people like Dean and […]

Flickr Stats

Flickr Stats

Was trying to add a flickr picture to a post today and found out that flickr was down. Headed over to the flickr blog where they give these latest stats: Miscellaneous stats to keep you entertained while we wait: * Our networking gear moves 12,000 photos a second — at peak, that’s 2,654,208,000 bits each second (8:20 PM) * We […]