Offloading Knowledge

Offloading Knowledge

As I’ve been reading the book Knowing Knowledge the concept that George Siemens presents of offloading content and information into the network is finding a place with me. I’ve been thinking about this for days now and how my netvibes page has become my network of information. No longer do I have to learn something just in case, but instead […]

Enough with Elgg moving to WordPress MU

Enough with Elgg moving to WordPress MU

So in about mid October I installed our own installation of Elgg. I did it for two reasons: 1. It integrated with Moodle which we already use. That way if a student had an account in Moodle already, they could us the same username and login to get started using Elgg. The two would be linked giving more flexibility for […]

Knowing Knowledge Highlights 31-40

Knowing Knowledge Highlights 31-40

You can find the other posts here and here. From the book Knowing Knowledge by George Siemens the things I’ve highlighted. Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known. p. 31 Learning and knowing are constant, on going processes (not end states or products). p. 31 A constructivist view of learning, for example, suggests that we […]

Learning through interactions

Learning through interactions

First from Clarence and then from Will a link to this CNET article. What is so interesting is to see what it is in the article that sticks out to people. Clarence writes: He advocates many of the things that we often talk about in the edublogosphere in response to changes needed in education. Will writes: To me, this is […]