Web 2.0 Participation

Web 2.0 Participation

I found this image at Personalize media. It is part of a post that is worth a read as well. Click on the image to enlarge and take some time to think about what they are talking about here. How does this apply to learning? Or does it? Where are our students? How do we get students to move through […]

A second look at zoho

A second look at zoho

A couple weeks ago I found a post by Tim Lauer where he described some web forms that he was creating using Zoho. It’s been a while since I played with Zoho and I have to say they’ve done some gerat improvements from the last time I was on the site. I played around the other night with Zoho Creator. […]

It's not about Web 2.0 it's about learning!

It's not about Web 2.0 it's about learning!

Today I had the pleasure of doing a short presentation for our IB Theory of Knowledge class. I was invited in to give a lesson on how knowledge is changing in the 21st century. My first thought was “How do I tell students knowledge has changed, when they already know that?” I set up 3 Skype accounts for students to […]

A Lesson in Connections

A Lesson in Connections

(Cross posted at Techlearning.com) I’ve learned a valuable lesson this week. One that shows the importance of teaching our students that the connections the web creates and the content you put on the web becomes a part of you. Last year, I was reading a lot about digital stories in the blogosphere. I saw some good examples of how they […]