Celebrating Teachers – Jim Fitzgerald

Celebrating Teachers – Jim Fitzgerald

As I mentioned in my last post what I love about this COETAIL program is it allows me to see education across the grade levels. Earlier this week I was in Jim Fitzgerald’s Higher Level Year 1 IB English Class (11th Graders), where students were working on a Semester Long Unit on Ekphrasis. Students are using their blogs as a […]

Netvibes.com in the classroom

Netvibes.com in the classroom

Netvibes.com has been my aggregator of choice for years now. So much so that thinking of changing to another platform at this point makes my head spin. I’ve tried Pageflakes.com for a time and even Google Reader/ iGoogle. To each their own and I’m obviously a netvibes guy. Last summer I wrote a post comparing different aggregators as I was […]

The wheels are spinning at SAS

The wheels are spinning at SAS

We all know what happens when you get administrators that understand this Web 2.0 stuff. Shift happens! Andy Torris a good friend of mine, fellow Gourmet Geek, and oh yeah Deputy Superintendent at our school has the wheels a spinning on what Web 2.0 can mean for a school community. We had a great conversation starter today. What Andy and […]

My aggregator of choice

My aggregator of choice

Pat Kennedy left a comment yesterday on the RSS in Plain English post. Which aggregator is conducive to a classroom environment Bloglines or Google Reader? Organizing feeds by disciplines is important to me. Are they advertisement free? There are a lot of great aggregators out there finding one that is right for you and your students is like shopping for […]