Why I still want MS and HS to have a Laptop

Why I still want MS and HS to have a Laptop

I received a tweet a couple days ago asking why I still believed laptops, in this case MacBooks, are the right choice for middle school and high school students. @jutecht Why did you select iPads for the primary and MacBook Pros for Middle and Hi? I’d love to hear your strategy! @cindybrock — Bradford G. Saron (@bradfordgs) January 26, 2012 […]

iPhoto your Portfolio

iPhoto your Portfolio

Today I’ve been working with the first grade team preparing to created their e-portfolios for the kids. We started off the year talking about how we could organize the photos and movies that would be taken over the year so that when it came to this stage of the process it would be as quick and easy as possible. With […]

A wiki of educational software

A wiki of educational software

After my post about moving to a new school and having a Mac for the first time in 10+ years, I received more suggestions of software that I needed then I ever thought I would. I’m still going through the list and of course installing and uninstalling software as I try things out and find what I really need. I […]

Pimp Your Mac!

Pimp Your Mac!

Thanks to everyone who replied to my last post about the Mac software I should install on my computer….keep the programs coming! On Thursday a lot the teachers asked me if I could help them learn how to use the Mac. Most of the new teachers coming in this year are coming from PC school and are new to the […]