Fishbowls and Chat-rooms

Fishbowls and Chat-rooms

I wanted to follow up on the reverse instruction lessons I’ve been working with teachers on.You can read the first blog posts here on the outline in English and U.S. History. Here’s a bit of the chat conversation: ‹Alex› what if there was no external validation? wouldn’t we all become crazy? ‹TK› we cant live alone isolated within ourselves ‹Holden […]

Reverse Instruction – U.S. History

Reverse Instruction – U.S. History

U.S. History has to be one of the hardest classes to teach at an international school. When at best half your students would be from America and at worse none…yet our U.S. based curriculum says we have to teach it. So how do you motivate students who for the most part have no buy-in into U.S. History? The teachers do […]

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President, Last night I stood and watched as you became the 44th President of the United States of America. It was a gathering of many excited American expats in Bangkok, Thailand. My wife and I moved overseas in August of 2002 to Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. A small town 3 hours north of Jeddah. When we arrived in August […]