Celebrating Teachers – Jim Fitzgerald

Celebrating Teachers – Jim Fitzgerald

As I mentioned in my last post what I love about this COETAIL program is it allows me to see education across the grade levels. Earlier this week I was in Jim Fitzgerald’s Higher Level Year 1 IB English Class (11th Graders), where students were working on a Semester Long Unit on Ekphrasis. Students are using their blogs as a […]

Facebook, Privacy, and Cyber bullying

Facebook, Privacy, and Cyber bullying

Just returning from a full day of thinking and teaching starting with Saturday school and talking to some students who got in trouble for cyber bullying on Facebook. I love getting the opportunity to talk to students about their social world and continue to find it fascinating on their views of what they consider “their world”. My wife, being the […]

One Bad Twitter 'Tweet' Can Cost you 30 Students

One Bad Twitter 'Tweet' Can Cost you 30 Students

Well….maybe not yet, but in the coming year if you are a private or international school you better be monitoring and using these new social tools to engage new students and families. A Bloomberg report came out earlier this week titled: One Bad Twitter ‘Tweet’ Can Cost 30 Customers, Survey Shows. A negative review or comment on the Twitter, Facebook […]

Why Facebook is Unblocked at ISB

Why Facebook is Unblocked at ISB

I thought I would share an e-mail that was sent from our department today to a parent who had raised a concern about Facebook being unblocked at school. A very well thought out e-mail from the group. Chad Bates did most of the work with Dennis, Kim and I adding our two cents in as well. Dear Parent, Thanks for […]

EdubloggerCon 2009 Reflections

EdubloggerCon 2009 Reflections

Last year I was pretty critical of EduBloggerCon. For me it was too big, too scripted, and…well…you can read the post. This year….smaller, deeper, and more thoughtful. Exactly what I was hoping for and personally what I need to push my own thinking. It was one of those days where you went to one but watch others via Twitter. You […]

Social Networking Workshop for Parents

Social Networking Workshop for Parents

Last week the Ed Tech team here at my school held a 3 hour social networking workshop for parents. The workshop was requested by parents after we made a brief presentation to the school board back in November. Before we began we took a quick poll of the 20 parents (all mothers): Non had a Facebook account but a couple […]

Connection and Communities

Connection and Communities

Just finished up a full day at UNIS-Hanoi and thinking about where the conversations focused today. I spent the day talking with groups of teachers; Math/Science, Languages, Humanities, etc. We talked about my opening session and then got into some ideas on what learning looks like in a 1:1 tablet program that they have launched this year…how does it change […]

A slow itch

A slow itch

11 days before I board a plane to my new home in Bangkok, Thailand and the itch of the network is slowly starting to return. I’ve almost felt guilty these past couple of weeks coming up with reasons not to be connected. I check e-mail and either delete things or put them in the to-do list of things to complete […]

Taking control of your school's profile: Where to start

Taking control of your school's profile: Where to start

So I woke up this morning to find that my post last night on school’s taking control of their profiles has started a little conversation. I gave a talk on this topic to educators and administrators at the EARCOS conference in March that scared a few, made a few jump into action, and others left shaking their heads not knowing […]