NETS Refreshed-Do we need tech standards?

NETS Refreshed-Do we need tech standards?

My last full day in Shanghai before flying out tomorrow to Seattle. It’s also the first day of summer vacation, so as I try and wind down from school and gear up for the projects ahead of me this summer I opened up my RSS reader to catch up on some reading. When I clicked on Warlick’s A Magnetic Field […]

Creating moments of learning

Creating moments of learning

Yesterday Mr. Hossack’s class of 5th graders got to take part in something new and cool. They had a video Skype call with a 7th grade class in Los Angles, California. Barbara Barreda contacted me a couple weeks ago and we started planning. Of course planning didn’t go to smoothly on our end. We are two days from ending school […]

Creating a Paradigm Shift

Creating a Paradigm Shift

Part of a comment left by Catherine Hiltz on Embedded Technology I think that the first step needs to involve creating a better understanding of educational paradigm shift. Perhaps this needs to be done by the provincial departments or at the division level. Without the philosophical background/understanding, I think that perhaps most educators will continue to flounder with tech. I […]

Embedded Technology

Embedded Technology

(I still find it funny what blog posts start conversations) A great conversation on TTWWADI is brewing between the comments left on my last post and Clarence Fisher adding to the conversation on his own blog. The more this conversation emerges the more I’m convinced that an embedded technology approach is a great approach to use in schools. My issue […]

Chaos vs Coherent

Chaos vs Coherent

My Superintendent last week: “I’ve learned that there is a fine line between chaos and coherent.” This statement has been replaying itself in my head now for a week. Maybe because I’m feeling my life is on the chaotic side of that line at the moment. However, I’ve also been reflecting at where we are in education and where we […]

Futr Lang

Futr Lang

I have found myself thinking recently on the future of language and the written word. Some of my thinking has been fueled by the conversation happening on the EME 5404 blog. I’ve been struggling with the questions: Who and when did we decide that our language was no longer going to change? That the evolution of language had stopped and […]

Changing the music industry-assignment

Changing the music industry-assignment

What follows is an assignment that came out of class discussions today. It’s cross posted on my Everything Tech blog as an assignment for students. If you would like to comment, please leave the comment on Everything Tech to add to our classroom discussion. I don’t know about you, but I had a great time in class today, but then […]

We don't need to 'get it'

We don't need to 'get it'

I’m catching up on my RSS reading from Spring Break and came across David Warlick’s posting about not getting social networks. The comments were interesting to read as well and I thought about this all night and offer this to the edublogosphere. We don’t get it, we’re not suppose to get it, but we need to learn it. There are […]

A Problem with Blogs cont'd…

A Problem with Blogs cont'd…

This week at techlearning I’ve continued the conversation I started last week about the Problem with Blogs. After reading and reflecting on the comments left by others…I’ve updated my thinking on the subject and give further thought to some of the comments. Here’s a taste of the new image: Read the rest here. [tags]conversations, blogs, 21st Century Learning[/tags] Technorati Tags: […]

The 21st Century Studio

The 21st Century Studio

A great posting today on U Tech tips from Shaun McElroy on Classrooms as studios. Some great links to some great information. Let me give you a couple of hints:Everything movesErgonomics people, ergonomicsFlexible spacing1:1 computingwhere are the wires? Check out the whole post here. Worth your time to follow the links as well. I’m in the middle of it and […]