Classrooms and Libraries for the Net Generation

Classrooms and Libraries for the Net Generation

(Doug Johnson’s session is over flowing. People standing out side looking in. I am sitting in the Blogger Cafe while David Jakes has a front row seat in the session. He is taking his notes in Skype. I’m copying the notes here as a blog post about the session….exactly what Doug is talking about.)

Doug Johnson

Crap detector

10 tech directors

All the rest are librarians

And you are getting a long so well.

Showing old photo and Second Life image


Showing what kids today have never known-very effective

The Kennedy disaster was a plane crash, not a disaster.

They are just eating this shit up,
Doug has got some groupies.

They’ve never used white out.

First understanding:  it will be easier to change the way we teach, the way our Net Gen students learn.

Second understanding:  Today’s students like to learn.  They just don’t like what we want to teach and how we teach it.

See the Educating the Net Generation from Educause

Cell phones

Don’t do anything without music



Don’t like to go outside

Compulsive communicators

Want quick fast immediacy

Bombarded with commercialism have a ton of stuff

Skim over the tops of things, know a little about a lot-the generalist generation

Learn by failing, inductive discovery

Talk for hours without saying anything

My job is to confuse you at a higher level.

Now showing demographics of millenials.

Follow Zits in the comic strips to understand Millenials

Watch more digital media than television

See Student Monitors Lifestyle and Media Study, 2005

See Threshold Magazine, new resource

Doug is asking if anyone is live blogging this

We call informal learning with other kids (what they do online at night) …cheating

How will schools change as a result of students understanding and knowledge of technology

Ability to cheat taken away from kids (are you kidding me?)

Let them bring their iPods

Give kids more choices

Individualized instruction

Quit expecting kids to follow long directions.

We need to use technology as a hook

Make education 24/7

Use students own technology to teach them

Buildings places kids want to be

You are actually blogging this…you were serious

Information has changed, its becoming conversational

Now talking about a home media ecology and all the tools-I would call it an ecosystem rather than an ecology, but they’re close enough

Now talking about tagging and how so last year Melville Dewey is

Confusion about tagging, don’t get that its about categorizing

I don’t mean to dis on Dewey-Doug

They think tags are about finding information…

Now talking about Wikipedia…This is the evil wikipedia, devised by Satan, and cast from the depths of Hell (tongue in cheek)

Showing Encarta vs. Wikipedia chart. Wikpedia blows it away.

Teach copyright from the point of view of the creator

Discrimination and evaluation skills need to be taught to kids.

Students need guidance more than ever

Needs to be a focus on organizing, creating and using information.

Doug has myspace page…with no friends (But we’re all your friends Doug!)


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